Michael's Reflection!

Sam's Reflection!

Ian A-K's Reflection

The Piano Lesson by August Wilson is incomparable to any other novel. How it explores the difficulty of the African-American lifestyle in the 1930’s was very descriptive and accurate. It demonstrates the difference between them and whites after the great depression and illuminates origins of African-American music. African-American Music has influenced almost every current type of genre that we have today. It not only helped us understand the lifestyle, but it also keeps you on your toes with the inclusion of ghosts. The book relates to me because I’m very in tuned with music in my life. I play the sax which is an instrument pretty much made to play African-American music with a nice bluesy and jazzy style to it. The family conflict in The Piano Lesson is very similar to family situations that we see today. For example, Berniece felt obligated to keep the piano under any circumstances because the carvings in it represented their past generations during the time of slavery. While in the contrary, Boy Willie wanted to sell it so he could have a more successful future. This is the question of what legacy do you choose, meaning would you rather restart and try to start a new one like Boy Willie, or would you want to continue the family tradition and keep the legacy going. An example in real life is colleges. In families, some kids feel the need to carry on their family legacy and go to the same college that their parents went to. Others decide that a different college would open more opportunities for them to be able to succeed in life. Different personalities have different views on how legacies should work.

Jordan's Reflection!